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2-Day: Polyvagal Theory for Embodied Trauma Recovery: Certified Clinical Trauma Professional (CCTP) Certification Training

Trauma recovery is as much about healing the body as it is the mind. Yet, so often, the focus of healing involves retelling the story of the past without addressing the physiological imbalances that trauma leaves in its wake. While you might recognize the value of bringing the body into trauma treatment, you might not know […]

Arielle Schwartz’s Trauma Treatment Certification Retreat

Live in Sedona, Arizona

Immerse yourself in the natural beauty of the Sedona Mago Retreat Center near Sedona, Arizona where you’ll spend 5 transformational days with internationally-renowned trauma expert Arielle Schwartz!
Nourish your body and mind during this experiential, clinical getaway and gain the integrative approaches you need to help clients navigate the journey of trauma recovery.